Hello my dear friends and followers:
I am so sorry for abandoning you all at the end of the summer. I have no real excuse except to say that weekend action picked up speed, work action reduced speed, and my end date rushed up upon me much faster than I could've anticipated.
Nevertheless, I do believe that I should actually conclude this blog, and my goal is to do that by responding to any questions still lingering and by sharing my collection of final photos from Cayo with you.
I will do this in two posts. My hope is that after I post this note and my photos, you will all send in your last questions, and I will do one last post before calling this blog "finito."
So: please send me all of your requests and questions so that I may answer them before I start my new blog project. (Duh duh duh-daaaa!)
Also - I know there are some of you out there, who read this, who have kept quiet all this time - the ghost readers, I suppose. I would love it, if some of you made yourselves known.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the last batch of photos, and in the next post: your final questions, my final notes, and exciting news from Monkey Island! (I'm not kidding.)
Much love,